Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm Okay

Try not to say "I'm okay" when deep inside you're really not. Coz as time passes, you might reach the point where you are unable to even distinguish your own real feelings and emotions anymore.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pessimistic Optimistic

It's amazing how being pessimistic could give you a headache and how being optimistic could give you so much peace. So tell me again why we love being pessimistic?

Monday, January 25, 2010


Is being more beautiful a gift or is it more of a burden?
Think about it.

Without Gender

Sometimes how I wish that I didn't have a gender,
so that when I show my love for others,
it wouldn't be misinterpreted
as flirting nor flattering nor fake
or in need of exchange.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


There's a kid
inside every person's heart
that could never be forgotten,
or even left behind. :)


We live in a world
where love is misused.
So don't be surprised
if your genuine love
is rejected by the ones
who need it the most.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Life

For a happy life follow this steps: Put your pride down and accept the fact that you are not perfect.


When you think there's not enough time for today, you just missed out the gift of today.